
5 Time-tested CBD Link Building Tactics for Your Cannabidiol Business (+Expert tips)

by | Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Link building involves acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own. These links act as signals, indicating the relevance and authority of your website to search engines. In the CBD industry, where regulations and restrictions can limit traditional marketing strategies, link building becomes even more essential for driving organic traffic and improving search engine rankings.

Our experience tells us this strategic approach not only enhances online visibility but also establishes your CBD business as a credible source. In this blog post, we will discuss various tried-and-tested CBD link building strategies that have successfully helped our clients stand out in the CBD industry and establish a strong online presence.

What is CBD Link Building?

CBD link building is the process of acquiring high-quality backlinks to build a trusted network for your CBD business within the industry. Imagine getting a “vote of confidence” from popular CBD websites – that’s what high-quality backlinks do! These special links don’t just make your site look good; they also help it climb higher in the search engine rankings, making it more visible and authoritative.

What are the Benefits of Link Building for CBD Companies?

Based on our experience in the industry, let us highlight the key benefits of link-building for your CBD Business:

Improved Search Engine Visibility

Quality backlinks from relevant and high-authority CBD websites act as online recommendations, helping more people discover your website. This approach ultimately helps your CBD business become more visible in the search engine results.

Enhanced Credibility

When reputable websites link to your CBD business, it signals trust to both users and search engines. This not only strengthens the trust users have in your website but also gives it a credibility boost in the eyes of search engines. So, it’s a win-win situation, making your CBD business stand out as a reliable and respected source.

Increased Targeted Traffic

When your website attracts quality links from relevant sites and uses smart link-building strategies, it’s like rolling out a red carpet for exactly the kind of visitors you want. This targeted traffic boosts your site’s visibility and increases the chances of turning those visitors into actual customers. 

Authority Building

Search engines like Google consider backlinks as a vote of confidence. Establishing connections with authoritative CBD websites through link building positions your business as an industry authority, attracting a more engaged audience.

Long-Term Growth

Link building for CBD facilitates long-term growth by establishing your business as a trusted authority within the industry. With increased brand awareness and customer trust, link building solidifies your position as a recognized leader in the CBD industry. So, every link you earn is a step towards becoming a respected leader in the CBD community.

As seasoned CBD SEO experts, we follow a thoughtful checklist to identify websites that perfectly match the criteria for acquiring high-quality backlinks. Let’s walk you through this checklist which is refined through our experience and will help your company connect with reputable sites in the CBD industry.

Relevance of the Website

Check if the website’s content is directly related to CBD or the health niche. To do so, you can look for CBD keywords, topics, and themes that indicate relevance.

Domain Authority

Try to aim for websites with a Domain Authority (DA) of 30 or higher for better credibility. You can use tools like Moz or Ahrefs to check the DA of the potential linking site.

Quality of the Content

We advise you to look for well-researched and informative articles related to CBD to assess the depth and uniqueness of the website’s content.

Examine Link Profile

Make sure to examine the website’s existing backlinks to avoid associations with spammy or low-quality sites. To practice this, we recommend you use tools like Ahrefs or Majestic, which aid in analyzing the website’s backlink profile.

Analyze Traffic Quality 

We personally analyze the traffic quality of the website before reaching out. This tactic helps evaluate user engagement metrics to ensure a genuinely interested audience.

Industry Influence of the Website 

 It’s important to evaluate the website’s authority within the CBD industry by reviewing its published content, collaborations, and partnerships. We advise you to look for indicators of influence, such as mentions in reputable publications or associations, before outreaching.

Which Sectors you Must Outreach for Attaining Quality Backlinks for Your CBD Website

As someone in the CBD industry, you must consider reaching out to the following types of websites and sectors for backlinks:

  1. CBD and cannabis blogs/websites
  2. Health and wellness platforms
  3. E-commerce platforms
  4. Industry associations and directories
  5. CBD influencers and review sites
  6. Local business directories 

5 Killer Link Building Strategies for Your CBD Business (based on our industry experience)

1. CBD Guest Posting

CBD guest posting involves writing articles for other websites in the CBD or health niche to secure backlinks and boost online visibility. To implement this strategy, craft high-quality, informative content that aligns with the target audience of the website. Further, identify reputable sites within the CBD community, establish relationships with editors, and pitch your expertise thoughtfully. 

For example, recently, a client of ours who owns a CBD wellness brand reached out to us with an aim to elevate its online presence. Through strategic guest posting on reputable health blogs, specifically focusing on “CBD’s impact on sleep,” we helped our client engage with a wider audience and secure valuable backlinks. 

The immediate result was improved search rankings, but the lasting impact was even more significant. Over time, the continuous visibility gained from these guest posts led to increased organic traffic. It established the brand as a trusted authority in the “CBD sleep and wellness niche,” showcasing how thoughtful guest posting can lead to sustainable benefits for CBD businesses.

2. Resourceful Content

“Content is King” stands true in each aspect, in the case of link building too. We believe that creating resourceful and valuable content is a wonderful way to naturally attract backlinks. The crafted content could be in the form of guides, tutorials, infographics, or lists that provide substantial information and insights on CBD. Your focus should be to produce content that other websites in the CBD industry naturally link to as a reference for their audience.

For example, a CBD dosage guide, a comprehensive glossary of CBD terms, or an infographic detailing the benefits of various CBD products could serve as resourceful content. By consistently producing high-quality resources and promoting them within the CBD community, you can attract natural backlinks, improving your site’s authority and visibility in search engine results.

Skyscraper technique for CBD link building is an effective way to bag relevant and high quality backlinks. Implementing the Skyscraper Technique in the CBD industry involves identifying top-performing content within your industry, then creating something 10x more valuable and comprehensive. 

For instance, if a top ranking article discusses the “10 Health Benefits of CBD Oil,” aim to craft a piece on, for example, “20 Proven Health Benefits of CBD Oil with Latest Research,” ensuring it surpasses the original article’s depth, accuracy, and presentation.

The key to success lies in not only producing superior content but also in personalized outreach to websites that linked to the initial articles. You have to intelligently convince how your enhanced version could provide additional value to their readers. We have personally observed that staying persistent with the follow-ups, and utilizing social proof, such as endorsements from trusted sources, can significantly boost your chances of securing quality backlinks. 

Here are some additional tips based on our experience in the CBD industry:

  • Focus on creating high-quality content that genuinely offers something more informative. This could be through deeper research, more recent data, better visuals, or even interactive elements.
  • When reaching out for backlinks, personalize your emails. Show that you’ve read their content and understand how your resource adds value for them (We have been practicing this technique for ages).
  •  If your content has already been shared or endorsed by credible figures in the CBD or health and wellness space, mention this in your outreach. We have observed that it adds credibility to your request.
  • The most important lesson learned is to follow up if you don’t get a response initially. People are busy, and a gentle reminder can help get your content the attention it deserves.

4. CBD Broken Link Building 

Broken link building in the CBD industry involves first identifying authoritative websites within the niche and then employing tools to uncover broken or outdated links on these sites. In our experience, employing tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, or Check My Links (chrome extension) is a great way to scan these websites for broken links. Try looking for pages that have high CBD relevance, such as educational resources or product guides. 

Once a broken link is identified, the next step should be to craft relevant content on your site that serves as a suitable replacement. Further, we recommend you politely contact the website owner or administrator, inform them about the broken link, and propose your content as a valuable substitute. Make sure to emphasize your expertise in the CBD industry in order to build trust and credibility. 

Our team always monitors the impact of our efforts using tools like Ahrefs to ensure a strategic and effective broken link building approach, and we recommend you do the same. This contributes to improving the overall quality of CBD-related online content.

5. Social Media for CBD Link Building

Social media is an effective strategy to share engaging content related to CBD products or industry trends. By crafting informative blog posts, visually appealing infographics, or entertaining videos, your CBD businesses can encourage followers to share the content on their social media profiles and with other people, thereby increasing the reach and potential for earning backlinks.

Additionally, based on our first-hand experience, we advise you to actively participate in relevant CBD-related communities and groups on social media platforms. This provides opportunities to connect with influencers, bloggers, and other industry professionals who may be willing to link back to your website or content.

CBD link building is an important SEO strategy that can help your business reach the right audience. Besides elevating search engine rankings, quality backlinks serve as trust signals that position your CBD brand as a reliable authority.

However, implementing the discussed CBD link building techniques demands time, expertise, and a bit of sacrifice. Considering this, teaming up with a professionals with years of experince in working with CBD brands could be a smart move. We believe in the power of quality over quantity, focusing on diverse anchor texts to appear natural to search engines. We apply proven link building strategies to bag high quality backlinks from trusted and relevant sources. 

Choosing our services is like having a reliable partner to handle the link-building journey while you concentrate on what you do best – delivering quality CBD products to your audience. Get in touch with us to strategically choose your anchor words, outreach relevant websites, and watch your CBD business grow!

Navneet Singh Final

A young enthusiast who is passionate about SEO, Internet Marketing, and most importantly providing tremendous value to businesses every day. Connect with him on Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter: @nsvisibility

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