Google Ads Management Services

A paid search marketing agency gives you a significant focus on Google Ads management boosts paid search conversions by 485%

Google Ads Management for Local and Small Businesses + Shopping Ads for Ecommerce Stores

Google Ads are designed to drive a lot of virtual foot traffic. Google Ads handling requires an in-depth knowledge of the functioning of the Google algorithm. It’s not complete guesswork! We will cover the various aspects of Google Ads in eCommerce in the way it works for your business. We’ll first ensure that your online store and business are Google Ads-ready to set up your campaigns

With Google Ads, We’ve Generated

Over $20M Revenue

For Ecommerce Stores with Google Shopping, YouTube and Search Ads

79654 Leads

for Local and Small Businesses with Google Search & Map Ads

40,000+ B2B Leads

Generation of b2b leads with Google Search Ads.

Local Ads
Car Rental Services
Shopping Trousers for Women

Google Ads Management for Ecommerce Businesses

Google Ads are designed to drive a lot of virtual foot traffic. Google Ads handling requires an in-depth knowledge of the functioning of the Google algorithm. It’s not complete guesswork! We will cover the various aspects of Google Ads in eCommerce in the way it works for your business. We’ll first ensure that your online store and business are Google Ads-ready to set up your campaigns

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You Need to Commit Some Real Amount of Time. Are You Ready to do that?

This means that you should give about 90 days to find out if you can go for potential and a highly predictable growth schedule which you can scale up.

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What Are Your Business Goals?

Find out about the same.
What will be my close rates?
From how many leads should I get a sale?
From how many leads should I get a particular amount of profit?
It is essential to establish concrete goals so that you can find out how you can successfully run a Google Ads campaign for a long time.

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How Much Can You Invest?

You’ll need to spend minimally $1,000-$1,500 per month, but you can reach anything up to $2000

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What Shall be the Proper Characteristics of a Website?

Your website needs to be mobile-friendly, fast, informative, and easy to use.

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What’s Going to be the Right Location and Audience?

 Is your audience local and rural—and comprises just a few people in your location. You do not need Google Ads if your audience size is minimal.


B2B Google Ads Management

B2B businesses need strong visibility to acquire customers across multiple channels. With our B2B Google Ads, get persuasive ad copy and rank higher for queries by your buyer personas at various funnel stages, driving products or services interest.

Local Google Ads Management

Local Google Ads Services help your business get more visible in Google’s local search results. Businesses with a physical location serving a particular area can benefit from local Google Ads services. So build trust and authority with lower Ad costs and expect higher sales for your online trade.

Google Ads PPC Management Offering 

Empowering a billion searches on Google every day, we use the search ads to ensure that your potential customers can:

  • Recognize your brand.
  • Consider your offerings.
  • Take action.

For every Google Search campaign, you need to choose a goal like driving the traffic to your website to increase leads and sales. Also, as you go for pay per click (PPC) search ads, it requires you just to pay as your ad starts generating the desired outcomes. It means that:

  • People will like to click your ad.
  • Visit your website. 
  • Call your business.

While setting up your Search ad, choose the goal you want to achieve, for example,

  • An increase in in-store or online sales.
  • Getting a higher number of leads.
  • Get more increased website traffic.

Reasons to Work with Us

  • Premier Google™ Partner
  • Microsoft™ Advertising & Bing™ Ads Partner
  • No Long Term Contracts
  • Recordings & Playback of all Phone Calls

 What We Offer

  • Google Ads Management using Extensive Keyword Research
  • ROI Customer Engagement Reporting (Calls, Forms, Emails & Shopping Cart Transactions)
  • Keyword-Focused Conversion Based Optimization (to Drive Enquiries)
  • Online Reporting Portal
  • Detailed Monthly Reports

Google Ads Management Professionals To Make Your Paid Search Marketing

Campaigns a Success

We drive buyers to your site by targeting the right keywords in your Google AdWords account. We focus on performing highly focused searches with a cost-effective approach to get the right customers who are finding what you offer. Visibility Gurus experts help you develop highly effective paid search campaigns to achieve the target cost per sale or lead. We have the right industry experience and also utilize powerful research tools. Investing in Google Ads lets us find the most interested buyers. They can reach your site to see what they could not discover with the traditional organic search engine optimization results. With our experience, we can be your most reliable Google AdWords company.

Keyword Research & Competitor

Ads Analysis


Choose the right keywords, which is the basis of achieving success. We will help you find the right research keywords without getting into the competition for creating the Google Ads campaign giving you a lot of sales with a top-notch ROI.

Campaign Creation and Ad Copy



Our team of Google campaign experts will help you with various aspects, such as

  • Ad copy creation.
  • Settings configuration. 

We offer you multiple ad variations which you can modify and achieve the best conversion rates possible.

Having the Proper Account



We will rightly define your Campaigns and Ad Groups. Most accounts have only a few broad campaigns allowing you to set up a few Ad Groups in those campaigns. Also, set your campaign level budget and determine ad group level keywords.

Conversion Optimized PPC

Landing Pages


We go beyond setting your Ad campaign. We will also set up the optimized landing pages to closely match search intent to give you a higher conversion rate. This lowers the bounce rate and increases the chances of conversions.

 Write Effective Ad Text


Different ad groups require you to define the text ads. A compelling ad copy is vital for PPC campaigns. It may lead to a higher Quality Score and a lower cost per acquisition while improving the click-through rates.

Detailed Reporting & Team



We offer you a detailed report using the Ads Manager’s things we did earlier. We’ll also explain to you the plan for the coming month. Additionally, we will schedule a review call or meeting of your team and our team.

Here Are Some Of The Results We’ve

Achieved For Our Google Ads Clients

Reports play a key role in helping you to find out how successful your advertising campaign is. We give you detailed feedback covering the data, which lets you gauge a campaign’s effectiveness. You also need to adjust based on the data available. Google is also highly thorough in giving you an insight into the amount of data you need.

Medical Lab SECI

Medical Lab

Bathroom Accessories SECI

Bathroom Accessories

Vision Care SECI

Vision Care


Ready to Get Started?

Our Results Speak for Themselves..

Here are some of the testimonials that we have received from our clients.


Kevin Rack

"I hired SEO Experts Company India for my business and they have given its new booming heights. Their systematic approach to each aspect is simply unparalleled. Nobody can bring business transformation better than them."



"I had my business drowning when a friend recommended me SEO Experts Company India. Their amazing caliber and proficiency motivated me to outsource SEO to them. Today, I have good going business with awesome revenue."


How Does Google Ads Campaign Management Work?

Paid Campaign Analysis &


With an established Google Ads account helps you analyze your historical data to understand what works the best while customizing other parts similarly. We will also help you fix the right bidding options, ads text, and keywords and bring you destination links for aligning your goals. 

Conversion Tracking & ROI


We can also check the different reports to check the keywords that give you leads or sales and those that are not. Also, we will focus on fishing out and optimizing with the right keywords to target specific phrases.

Search Network Advertising

Monitoring the search network advertising lets you progress and engage for optimizing the ads, adjusting the bids, and using the right keywords to fetch the best traffic which engages on your site.

Ad Variation & Testing

With multiple A/B testing methods, we’ll find out the ads leading to the high conversion and click-through rates. Testing also helps develop landing pages, copy variations, and test that works well.

Monthly Maintenance

With diligent work, we’ll ensure that the campaign runs smoothly. We will review various aspects of your account every month to find out how we can still improve. This may mean negative keywords or changing keywords to enhance the results consistently.

Lower Your CPA & Optimize Your


We’ll keep an eye on fixing any technical issues on your website. Optimizing the landing page means we will get you more conversions while spending on the right things. We’ll constantly monitor the parameters to fix to optimize the budget for lowering the CPA.

4 Reasons Why You Need To  Outsource Google Ads Management

It is important to run a successful Google Ads campaign which means that businesses can manage a campaign themselves or outsource them. As you pay for every click, your overall campaign setup and management is critical for doing it in the right way. Here are important reasons you need to hire a Google Ads expert to manage the account

Get More Time To Focus On Core Activities

While spending your time learning digital marketing, you won’t be focused on the most important people to carry out your job. Learning about a new industry while being highly productive is essential, especially when the current role is a disastrous recipe.

Having a trusted Google Ads expert to set up and manage your campaigns allows you to focus on things you can do best while having a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) guru to optimize your campaign to get the best ROI.

Cut Down Expenses

Google Ads helps create a setup for campaign management to look effortless–in a way that anyone should. Google Ads can give you a great business, and the objective of these ads is to make users purchase from you. Keep in mind that you will spend every time there are clicks on your ad. Google Ads are known to give high-converting campaigns if they get appropriately managed. We understand that a poor setup with inexperienced management leads to wasteful expenditure and minuscule conversions. You are also losing a lot of traffic.

An experienced Google Ads team ensures that you target the right audience and have an efficient budget. Also, focus on how you can: 

  • Improve your quality score.
  • Drive down cost-per-click (CPC).
  • And spend at appropriate times. 


Experts Who Understand A Lot

Google Ads can give fast results for website traffic, email sign-ups and leads, and more. You need a person who has seen everything, understands the conversions, knows how to cut down the costs, and can move your business’s needle.

If you do not have the proper subject knowledge, it is best to hire someone having years of experience and many testimonials for their proven methods of success. 

    Multiple Eyes on Your Account

    Outsourcing PPC to your digital marketing team means that you’re paying for various services those experts will look into. It’s excellent for several reasons and ensures that you meet your goals quickly because the team has excellent accountability.

    The different experts would include

    • The one that checks the Ad spend
    • An expert to make optimizations. 

    Outsource Google Ads to give you multiple people that run your account daily while giving you time in your day and money in your pocket.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      What are Google Ads?

      Google AdWords involves using the right marketing strategy, which takes care of the partner sites, search engine platform, and partner sites to increase the business’s outreach to the target market. Users may search for 

      • Terms and phrases connected to a business—the right products or services.
      • The partner sites display a text or picture ad on a page.

      Then comes choosing keywords connected to your products, brand, services, and industry for your AdWords account; as the customers search for the proper sentences and phrases, your store ad shows. You just have to pay now just as someone clicks on your ad or visits the business with an option of “Click to Call”.

      What Should I keep in mind To Manage My Google

      Ads Campaign?

      While looking for things on how you can manage the My Google Ads campaign, do not look further. Follow the instructions given below.


      1. Log in to the Google Ads account. 
      2. The left page menu means scroll down and click on Settings followed by Campaign settings.
      3. Go to ways to change campaign settings.
      4. Change the same setting for multiple campaigns.
      5. Checkbox the campaigns you want to change. 
      6. Now, click on Save.

      Do Google Ads Offer An  Account Credit?

      Google offers you $100-$250 credit to those opening a brand new Google Ads account in its recent promotion. 

      How will PPC Affect SEO?

      PPC or pay-per-click advertising is a highly unique and effective digital advertising method. This can be used strategically with a PPC campaign to draw highly qualified leads giving income in a little time. You require a straightforward yes or no answer to asking a question. PPC doesn’t have a direct SEO impact, but it surely impacts indirectly. 

      You have many indirect events resulting from utilizing the combination of SEO and PPC initiatives. A good marketing plan can help to maximize teh SEO results. Rather, using the combination of the two methods means that PPC affects SEO. What does this mean?

      • PPC Ads Will Enhance Real Estate In Your Search Results. 
      • PPC also helps you find out valuable organic SEO Keywords. 
      • PPC builds brand awareness to make people click on organic ads.
      • PPC lets you access the local prospects.

      How Can I Use Google Ads Word for E-commerce


      There are so many e-commerce businesses where Google Ads play a crucial role in the form of a marketing channel. Few studies showed Google Ads accounts could give up to 18% of the e-commerce revenue. 

      Google Shopping ads (also known as Google Product Listing Ads or PLA ads). Generally, they are the best bet for selling B2C products online. You Raquan excellent treat product feed, Google Merchant Center, alongside the eCommerce website. You will also find that Google Shopping ads appear at the top of search results.

      What are Negative Keywords?

      Negative keywords help instruct the Google Ads to not show up in a few circumstances. When your site sells musical keyboards, we want you to add “computer keyboard” or “Dell keyboard” that will be like a negative keyword to ensure that we only show up when customers find suitable musical instruments.