
Ecommerce Content Audit Guide (Tested Tips Inside)

by | Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

In today’s e-commerce landscape, where competition is fierce and consumer expectations are constantly growing, delivering and maintaining high-quality, engaging content is crucial for attracting and retaining customers. But how do you ensure your content remains effective, useful, and up-to-date?

In a world where AI platforms can produce content at exceptional rates, many ecommerce businesses find themselves in a continuous race to fill their websites with more blogs, product pages, and other helpful content, assuming that their SEO rankings will naturally improve. 

In fact, content creation is only part of the game; simply creating content isn’t enough. To maximize both your SEO and customer experience efforts, you need to understand how your content performs and optimize it for maximum impact.

However, maintaining the effectiveness and relevance of your content poses a challenge. To address this challenge, conducting an e-commerce content audit is essential. This will help identify areas for improvement and optimize the online shopping experience.

This comprehensive blog provides step-by-step instructions for executing a thorough ecommerce content audit, guaranteeing that your content strategy is both relevant and efficient.

What is an E-commerce Content Audit?

An ecommerce content audit is a systematic review of all content on your website, including product descriptions, blog posts, landing pages, and other digital assets. The goal is to evaluate your content’s performance, relevance, and quality to identify what needs improvement or removal and maximize its impact on your audience.

The primary goals of a content audit are to improve SEO, understand content performance, refine content marketing strategies, ensure your content remains current and relevant, and maximize conversion opportunities.

Regardless, a content audit helps you identify issues with your current content strategy and provides actionable insights for improvement moving forward. During the audit, you’ll use specific metrics to assess each page’s performance and determine the next steps within your overall content marketing plan. 

Remember to review your content library every year to ensure it remains up-to-date.

Why E-Commerce Content Audits Are Important?


(Importance of Ecommerce Content Audits)

In e-commerce, regular content audits are crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. Here’s why:

  • Maximize Revenue and Increase Conversion Rates: Identify high-performing and underperforming content to optimize for better conversions and increased sales. High-quality content persuades visitors to make purchases by providing the information they need for informed decisions.
  • Improve User Experience: Correct inconsistencies, outdated information, and navigation issues to create a smoother shopping experience.
  • Enhance SEO: Identify and address SEO gaps, such as missing keywords and weak internal linking, to improve search engine visibility and attract more traffic.
  • Content Freshness: Update outdated product descriptions and blog posts to keep content engaging and relevant for users and search engines.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Use analytics to understand what content works best, informing future content creation and optimization.
  • Content Strategy: Align content with business goals and identify content gaps in your content library to ensure all content supports your brand message and objectives.

Preparing for Your E-commerce Content Audit

Setting clear goals before you begin your content audit is essential. These include improving SEO, updating outdated content, identifying content gaps, increasing traffic, or boosting revenue. Identifying your objectives will help you stay focused and efficient throughout the process.

Next, gather the necessary tools for your audit. Recommended tools include Google Analytics for performance data, SEMrush or Ahrefs for SEO insights, Screaming Frog for crawling your site, and Google Search Console for search performance data. You will also need spreadsheets or content audit templates to organize your data.

Collecting the correct data is crucial for a successful content audit. Key metrics to gather include page views, bounce rate, conversion rate, and SEO metrics like keywords and backlinks. This data will help you evaluate each piece of content’s performance and make informed decisions about what actions to take.

How to Conduct an E-commerce Content Audit?


(Steps to Conduct an E-commerce Content Audit)

Step 1: Identify Your Objectives

Begin by clearly identifying your primary objectives for the content audit. These objectives might include:

  • Increasing Traffic: Attracting more visitors to your website.
  • Improving SEO: Enhancing your site’s visibility in search engine results.
  • Boosting Revenue: Increasing sales or conversions through your content.
  • Updating Outdated Content: Refreshing old content to keep it relevant and valuable. 

Focusing on a few key goals helps to keep the audit manageable and effective. It ensures that your efforts are directed toward achieving specific, measurable outcomes rather than getting overwhelmed by trying to address too many issues at once.

Step 2: Get the Necessary Tools

Equip yourself with the necessary tools to conduct the audit effectively:

  • Site Crawlers: Tools like Screaming Frog help you gather data on all the pages of your site, including technical issues, page titles, and meta descriptions.
  • Data Sources: Use Google Analytics to track performance metrics such as traffic, bounce rates, and conversion rates. Google Search Console provides insights into search performance, indexing issues, and keyword data.
  • Organization Tools: Spreadsheets (like Excel or Google Sheets) are essential for organizing your data and making it easier to analyze.

Step 3: Conduct a Site Crawl
The next step in your eCommerce content audit involves crawling your site to gain an overview of its URLs, metadata, and performance metrics.

  • Choose a Tool: Utilize a tool such as Screaming Frog or Ahrefs. These tools will locate every URL on your site and gather critical metrics like traffic, bounce rate, time on page, and revenue.
  • Execute the Crawl: With your chosen tool, perform a site crawl to analyze your content. Adjust the settings to exclude dynamic URLs, such as faceted navigation URLs and internal site search URLs. This ensures you don’t crawl pages multiple times and helps you avoid sifting through hundreds or thousands of unnecessary pages.

This process provides a complete overview of your website’s content, including its structural elements and performance indicators, which are essential for a thorough audit.

Step 4: Organize the Collected Data

Once you’ve gathered the data, the next step is to organize it:

  • Remove Duplicates: Eliminating duplicate URLs ensures your dataset is clean. Our blog explains Duplicate Content – Why it happens and how to fix it in depth.
  • Categorize Content: Sort the content by type (e.g., blog posts, product pages), stage in the buyer’s journey (e.g., awareness, consideration, decision), and format (e.g., text, video, infographic). Organizing your data this way makes it easier to manage and analyze, providing a clear structure for evaluating each piece of content.

Step 5: Evaluate Your Content

Evaluate each URL based on your goals using key metrics:

  • Key Metrics: Assess performance indicators such as revenue generated, sessions, user engagement, and word count.
  • Performance Evaluation: Identify high-performing content that aligns with your goals and pinpoint content that needs improvement.
  • Trends and Patterns: Look for recurring themes or trends, such as popular topics or content formats, that can guide your future content strategy.

Step 6: Develop Your Strategy

Based on your analysis, develop a strategy for your content:

  • Content Decisions: Determine whether to keep content as-is, update it, or remove it based on its performance and alignment with your goals.
  • Prioritize Improvements: Focus on URLs that have the highest potential impact on your objectives. Prioritizing helps in allocating resources effectively and ensures you work on the most critical areas first. This strategic approach ensures that your content efforts are aligned with your overall goals and that you make informed decisions about content investments.

Step 7: Improve Your Content

Implement strategies to improve your content:

  • Rewriting and Expanding: Refresh outdated content, expand on topics that are performing well, and rewrite sections to improve clarity and engagement.
  • Visuals and Metadata: Include suitable images or videos to enhance your content and revise metadata (titles, descriptions) to improve SEO.
  • Optimization: Optimize all your content to enhance its relevance and value for your audience and search engines. This will ensure a better user experience and improved search engine rankings.

Analyzing the Results

  • Measure Content Performance Against Goals: Evaluate your content’s performance based on your set goals, including metrics like traffic, engagement, and conversions. Identify pieces that meet or exceed expectations and those that fall short.
  • Identify Well-Performing and Underperforming Content: Analyze the data to spot content that is performing well and content that isn’t. Look into reasons behind poor performance, such as lack of engagement or low visibility.
  • Spot Common Issues: Look for recurring problems such as outdated information, low engagement, and broken links. Addressing these issues is crucial for maintaining content quality.
  • Address and Fix Issues: Update outdated content, enhance low-performing pieces, and fix broken links to improve user experience and SEO. These steps will boost your content’s overall quality.
  • Conduct a Gap Analysis: To identify missing topics or unanswered customer queries, erform a gap analysis. This helps create new content that fills these gaps and meets your audience’s needs.
  • Make Data-Driven Decisions: Use the insights from your analysis to refine your content strategy. Data-driven decisions will enhance content effectiveness, leading to better engagement, higher conversions, and improved business outcomes.

Taking Action

Based on your analysis, take action to optimize your content. Update and optimize existing content to improve its performance. This might involve rewriting sections, adding new information, or enhancing visuals. Remove or merge low-performing content to streamline your site and improve user experience. Finally, create new content to fill gaps and respond to upcoming trends. Ensure new content aligns with your overall strategy and meets your audience’s needs.

10 Tested Tips for Conducting Content Audit for Ecommerce Websites


1. Conduct regular content audits:

  • Aim for at least one audit per year.
  • Consider more frequent audits for larger sites.

2. Incorporate SEO best practices into your audit process:

3. Evaluate content from a user experience perspective:

  • Ensure content is easy to read.
  • Make navigation straightforward.
  • Encourage user engagement.
  • Improve page load speed.
  • Use clear and compelling calls to action.

4. Update and refresh outdated content:

  • Ensure to eliminate or update outdated details.
  • Add new data or insights.
  • Incorporate recent trends and developments.

5. Diversify content formats:

  • Use a mix of text, images, videos, and infographics.

6. Monitor content performance:

  • Track metrics like page views, time on page, and bounce rate.
  • Use analytics tools to understand user behavior.
  • Adjust your strategy based on data insights.

7. Encourage content created by users:

  • Encourage reviews, comments, and discussions.
  • Showcase user testimonials and case studies.
  • Run contests and promotions to engage your audience.

8. Maintain a consistent brand voice and tone:

  • Ensure all content aligns with your brand identity.

9. Plan and schedule content:

  • Create an editorial calendar.
  • Plan content around key dates, events, and promotions.
  • Maintain a balance between evergreen and timely content.

10. Promote content effectively: 

  • Share content on social media platforms. 
  • Use email newsletters to reach your audience. 
  • Encourage user sharing.

By implementing these thorough guidelines, you can guarantee that your content strategy stays strong, impactful, and aligned with your business objectives.


Conducting a content audit is not just a beneficial strategy but a crucial one for optimizing your ecommerce efforts. By systematically reviewing and analyzing your existing content, you can identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. This process ensures that your content stays aligned with your audience’s needs, remains engaging, and continues to contribute effectively to your business goals.

SEO Experts Company India is one of the top rated seo agency from India led by Navneet Singh, who is having 15 years of experience in helping DTC businesses grow, ready to help you with the content audit for your store. As a part of our end-to-end ecommerce seo services, we are ready to help you in achieving your desired results.

Navneet Singh Final

A young enthusiast who is passionate about SEO, Internet Marketing, and most importantly providing tremendous value to businesses every day. Connect with him on Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter: @nsvisibility

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