
Local SEO for eCommerce: The Ultimate Guide to Grow Visibility

by | Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Local SEO for Ecommerce is not just about being seen, it’s about being seen by the right people at the right time. The process involves optimizing your online store to help it reach local customers. With years of expertise in the field, we believe that ecommerce local SEO can elevate a business’s online presence and drive significant traffic and sales.

In this article, we have shared some time-tested techniques and actionable insights to help your ecommerce store stand out in local searches.

Let’s dive into these proven methods and grow your local audience together.

What is Ecommerce Local SEO?

Local SEO for ecommerce focuses on optimizing your online store to rank higher in local search results, making it easier for potential customers to find you. The process includes tactics such as creating location-specific landing pages, optimizing Google Business Profile, building local links, optimizing the website for local keywords, etc., to attract consumers who are ready to buy from you.

How Can Local SEO Benefit Your Ecommerce Brand?

By optimizing for local SEO, you’re essentially putting your products and services right in front of the eyes of those most likely to buy – the people in your vicinity. 

Here’s how local SEO can make a big difference for ecommerce store owners:

Improves Local Search Engine Rankings

When you optimize your ecommerce website for local keywords and phrases, it increases your visibility in local search results. This ensures that potential customers find you when looking for relevant products.

Enhances Credibility and Trust Among Customers

When people see your ecommerce store listed among top search results, it signals that you are a credible and trustworthy business in the areas you serve. This helps build trust in your brand, ultimately leading to more conversions and stronger customer relationships.

Boosts Targeted Traffic and Conversions

By focusing on people who are actively searching for relevant products or services in your area, local SEO drives highly targeted traffic to your ecommerce website. This means that the traffic you attract is more likely to convert into paying customers, driving sales and revenue for your e-commerce store.

Drives Foot Traffic for Ecommerce Stores with Physical Location: 

If your ecommerce store offers pickup options for the orders, local SEO can play a key role in bringing more people to your physical location. Plus, if something they want is sold out online, they might just find it in stock at your store. This also increases the chances of additional in-store purchases or upsells.


In-store Availability Option on an E-commerce Website

6 Time Tested Local SEO Strategies for Ecommerce to Boost Conversions

Optimize and Claim Your Google Business Profile Listing

Optimizing and claiming your Google Business Profile is an essential step on your journey to ecommerce local SEO. This free tool by Google allows customers to easily discover your e-commerce business and ensures that your business stands out in local searches.


Example of an Optimized Google Business Profile

Here’s how you can make the most out of your GBP listing.

  • Claim Your Business: Visit the Google Business Profile website and search for your business name. If it doesn’t appear, you’ll need to claim it by adding your business details. Be precise and fill in accurate information.
  • Optimize Your Business Profile: Fill out every section of your profile comprehensively. This includes your business name, address, phone number, website URL, and operation hours. Use high-quality images to showcase your products and storefront (if any). The more detailed your profile, the better.
  • Choose the Right Categories: Your business category helps Google understand what type of customers should see your listing. Choose a primary category that best describes your business and add additional categories as necessary to cover all your bases.
  • Encourage Reviews on your GBP: Customer reviews can significantly impact your local search rankings. Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews and respond thoughtfully to all reviews to show that you value customer feedback.

Keyword Research When Doing Local SEO for Online Store

Ecommerce keyword research is a robust strategy that guides your local SEO efforts, pointing customers toward your ecommerce store. It involves identifying the terms and phrases that potential customers use when searching for products or services in your area.

You can start by brainstorming a list of keywords related to your e-commerce brand, then refine this list by taking local modifiers like city names, neighborhoods, landmarks, etc., into account. We recommend using tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, SEMrush, etc., to ease the local keyword research process. These tools offer insights into search volume, competition, and search intent of the chosen keywords.

However, the key is to think like your local customers. What would they type into the search bar? We recommend including long-tail keywords that match their search intent, such as “buy organic coffee beans in Seattle.” These specific queries may have lower search volumes but represent a high purchase intent, attracting targeted traffic to your site.

Incorporate these locally optimized keywords across your website starting from product descriptions and blog posts to titles and meta descriptions, in order to increase your visibility in local search results. However, balance is key. Avoid overstuffing your content with keywords and ensure it remains informative to attract and convert your local audience.

Optimize Landing Pages for Local Searches 

A local SEO landing page is a dedicated web page designed to highlight your business’s address, contact information, and other location-specific details. 

Developing landing pages that resonate with your local audience is essential to attract potential customers. You should start by creating dedicated landing pages tailored to each key area you serve. These pages should offer a combination of location-specific offerings and the USPs (unique selling propositions) of your products or services. 

Make sure that each landing page has a clear headline that effortlessly incorporates local keywords. This not only boosts your SEO efforts but also informs visitors that they’ve found a perfect match for their needs. Additionally, we advise you to include local testimonials and case studies to highlight your brand’s presence and credibility.

Additional tips to optimize your landing pages for ecommerce local SEO:

  • We recommend embedding Google Maps on your landing pages as it enhances user experience by providing clear, visual location details.
  • Design each landing page with a specific goal in mind, whether it’s to encourage a store visit, promote a local event, or highlight a region-specific product line.
  • Place your CTAs intelligently to guide your visitors in their shopping journey.

Local Link Building

Ecommerce link building is about establishing connections with relevant local businesses, websites, and communities to acquire high authority backlinks to your ecommerce store. Start by identifying local businesses that complement rather than compete with your offerings. Propose guest blogging on their sites, or offer to feature them in a piece of content on your site to create a mutual backlink exchange.

Sponsorship of local events or charities is another powerful way to secure reputable local backlinks and attract the target audience’s attention. For example, Nike launched a national marketing campaign in the United Kingdom, focusing on a specific target group: young Londoners. Their “Nothing Beats a Londoner” commercial features various young people from London practicing different sports in their own neighborhoods, all wearing Nike clothing. With its numerous London locations and signature English humor, the campaign resonates deeply with Londoners, allowing them to see themselves reflected in it. This single move led to a remarkable 93% spike in searches for Nike’s products in London and a 54% increase nationwide.


Nike Nothing Beats a Londoner Campaign Commercial

The lesson here is to be strategic and authentic in your link-building efforts. Focus on creating genuine connections and contributing value to your local online community. 

Utilize your local link building efforts to create lasting relationships that can support the growth and visibility of your e-commerce business in your targeted geographical area.

Encourage and Manage Online Local Reviews

Online reviews greatly influence the purchasing decisions of potential customers. For e-commerce businesses, gaining and managing these reviews are crucial steps in the local SEO journey. 

Begin by encouraging your customers to leave reviews by offering a straightforward process. This can be achieved through follow-up emails post-purchase, genuine feedback request messages, adding “review us” scan codes to your products, or polite pop-ups on your website.

Additionally, we advise you to engage with customer reviews. Take time to respond politely to all reviews, whether positive or negative. A thoughtful reply to a positive review shows appreciation and gratitude. In case of negative feedback, responding professionally and offering solutions demonstrates that your business values its customers and is dedicated to making improvements. 

Remember, acquiring and managing online reviews is a continuous process. By prioritizing this aspect of your local SEO strategy, you can build a stronger, more relatable brand image that resonates with the local community.

Craft Local Content 

“Content is king” in all aspects. When it comes to local SEO, creating high-quality, locally-focused content is a powerful strategy.

The first step is to gain a deep understanding of your local audience. What are their interests, concerns, and needs? We suggest you connect with your target customers through social media, surveys, and local events to gather insights. This information will guide you in creating content that resonates with your audience.

Content that addresses the specific needs and interests of your local audience can improve your visibility in search engine results and attract more potential customers to your eCommerce store. For example, if your online store sells “fitness equipment,” you can write blogs about “Top outdoor workout spots in (city name), or “Upcoming fitness events in the area,” etc.


Example of an Ecommerce Store’s Blogs Targeting Local Keywords

Expert Tip: While writing blog articles or creating social media posts, always focus on incorporating local keywords naturally into your content. 

Another effective strategy is to create content around local events and news. This not only makes your content more relevant to your audience but also increases the chances of getting noticed by local media and bloggers.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, local seo for ecommerce is essential for attracting nearby customers and elevating sales. By following the strategies outlined in the article like optimizing the Google Business Profile, focusing on locally relevant content, optimizing your website with local keywords, etc., your business can enhance visibility in local search results and win customer’s trust. 

However, as you struggle to implement the ecommerce local SEO strategies, remember that expert guidance can make all the difference. Our seo agency for ecommerce sites has extensive experience in helping brands connect with local audiences and increase overall revenue. We would be happy to discuss our tailored strategies and technical improvements that can benefit your business. Contact us at the earliest to explore how we can support the growth of your ecommerce brand.

Navneet Singh Final

A young enthusiast who is passionate about SEO, Internet Marketing, and most importantly providing tremendous value to businesses every day. Connect with him on Linkedin, Facebook, and Twitter: @nsvisibility

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