SEO Pricing: What is the appropriate cost of SEO in 2023?

Pricing is one factor that significantly influences our choices. It affects businesses looking to adopt SEO by hiring professional agencies. And since the cost is one of the major deciding factors, you may want to know how SEO pricing will be in 2023.

You should understand how search engine optimization expert companies determine the pricing for their plans. Moreover, you could be unaware of the pricing plans in the SEO sphere. No worries! This guide will touch upon all facets of search engine optimization costs and everything you need to know going into 2023. 

What Makes SEO Important Now and in the Future Too?

To bypass competitors online and gain clients, you must be on the first page of Google. It requires SEO promotion. Google handles more than 2 trillion searches annually, which is unbelievable. Among this vast number of searches, many are entered in Google for businesses’ products and services. Some of these are informational searchers, and some are transactional ones.

However, Google works through bots and algorithms, and it just can’t pick a random business site or informational web page for an entered query.

As a search engine, it is responsible for providing the most relevant, helpful, and appropriate results.

The Google algorithm and bots determine which page is the most significant by looking at many factors. These factors are search engine optimization factors. Websites need to be optimized for these factors and standards that Google wants them to incorporate and maintain.

It is precisely where SEO companies like ours come into the picture, as we offer professional search engine optimization strategies.

What Are the Different SEO Pricing Models You Need to be Aware of?

There is not a single standard pricing model that every professional agency offering SEO opts for; however, there are a few costing methods that are industry norms:

  1. Hourly pricing
  2. Monthly pricing
  3. Project based costing
  4. Self-service
  5. Specific goal-based pricing

Most of the terms mentioned above are self-explanatory; however, here are the details you should know:

Hourly Pricing

This payment method is equally popular among freelancers, small agencies, and medium-sized SEO companies. Professionals perform work for a specific task hourly under this method; when hired by a client, an agency or professional may offer more than one type of service or a combination of a few.

The average hourly rate in the USA for SEO is around $100 to $700, depending on the company and the task. However, when you hire an offshore SEO professional or agency, you may get the same solution within the range of $10 to $200.

Monthly Pricing

Under monthly payment SEO, you hire a professional company to designate some or all of your website’s search engine optimization tasks and make a certain amount of payment at the end of each month on a specific date.

It is ideal for a business looking to get the most out of SEO by adopting a long-term plan. It is one of the most popular standards adopted by small to medium-sized companies offering search engine optimization to charge their respective clients.

The average monthly cost for SEO in the United States in 2023 will be around $700 to $10,000 if you want to hire an SEO agency for a midsize site and may even go up to more than $100,000 if you want to hire a large agency with extensive experience.

However, the same tasks performed by an offshore search engine optimization company may cost you between $ 500 and $ 1500.

Project Based Costing

Under this kind of SEO costing method, you enter into a contract with a company with predetermined conditions. You will find companies looking to hire professionals for particular types of search engine optimization services.

For example, you may ask a company to write 5 guest posts monthly for a particular amount of money. Another example could be assigning technical SEO, where the hired company works towards making your website faster and improving the UX design. You hire them on a project basis by mentioning particular target conditions in the contract. Payment for such agreements may be made in advance, in between, or after the completion of the project.


Under the self-service payment method for SEO, go to a private SEO company’s website and pay for a particular service online without conducting interviews. You do not ask for proposals or wait for invoices to come.

For instance, you can visit a self-service SEO website to get help with finding 20 keywords and conducting a keyword analysis for the pages of your site.

Specific Goal-based Pricing

It’s similar to a project-based costing method for SEO. However, there is one clear distinction. In this type of project for search engine optimization, you pay the company only when the agreed-upon targets are met. For example, you can have an agency sign a $1000 contract if they increase your organic traffic by 50%. So you will only make the payment if the organic traffic to your website increases by 50 percent.

Which Factors Determine SEO Costs?

Search engine optimization is a complicated field; the same is true with its pricing. The field is full of companies that charge very different prices for the same task. You may find an SEO company charging as little as $200 per month for search engine optimization compared to a company demanding $5000 for a similar task. What is the reason for so much fluctuation in pricing between SEO companies?

Search engine automation is costly, and if you find a company asking for low prices, it is most likely a wrong choice. Many factors affect the cost of SEO. Let’s discuss them.

Size of Your Business and Website

Size and volume are the two factors that affect the pricing of any SEO project. Bigger businesses and websites demand a higher amount of work. As a result, larger websites should be prepared to spend more money on their SEO.

High ROI

Another factor that affects SEO pricing is the return on investment (ROI). You will need to spend more if you want to build an aggressive campaign to generate returns on investment quickly. However, the return on investment will be slower if you want to be cautious and spend according to your limited budget. And if you are limited because of your budget, you will also be limited in your choices.

Here, you should remind yourself that search engine optimization can be expensive, and a company offering low prices will not benefit your business in the long run. Moreover, it may even hurt your website if you employ a service that uses blackhat SEO techniques, as their adventures can attract Google penalties.


More competition means higher pricing for your SEO project. Higher competition demands unique strategy creation, more analysis, and more labor hours to put into your project. Moreover, tougher competition makes it hard for you to make inroads into your rival’s customer base. So if your hired search engine optimization company finds out that the competition is stiffer than usual, they will ask for higher pricing for your project.

SEO Size And Experience

The agency competing for your campaign determines the price based on their standards. A larger company that has been successful in previous campaigns will almost certainly command a higher price. Companies that provide enterprise-level SEO charge thousands of dollars.

Offshore Vs. Inshore Company

You don’t need to hire a company in the United States or Europe, as several capable companies exist offshore. Since we live in a world of globalization and the internet, physical boundaries do not matter. A company like ours can help you with your SEO campaign without sacrificing quality, communication skills, or professionalism. The case of Entrusting an offshore company is a strong one since it can help you save hundreds of dollars

The Number of Hours

A higher number of working hours to perform SEO means higher spending. Additionally, the more complex your search engine optimization is, the more time it will need to become effective and produce results. Consider whether the hourly payment option is best for you or if other options, such as monthly payments or project-based costing, will be more suitable.

Risks Associated When you Choose an Unsuitable SEO Agency

Selecting an SEO company poses some fundamental questions, including the risks associated with the selection of an agency and what to consider while choosing a suitable one. It is important to know about them since your search engine optimization project’s success or failure is linked to them.

Risk of Losing the Ranking

Many companies find themselves on the 2nd and 3rd pages of the Google SERPs but need help to appear in the top 3 positions on the first page. In the quest for high ranking, if the chosen agency for your campaign indulges in using shortcuts, or unethical ways, it can make your website ranking go down.

Invite the Penalty From Google

It is the most critical risk that should bother you. If your chosen company for SEO indulges in black hat techniques or performs SEO activities that are against Google guidelines, you risk inviting a penalty from Google. The worst thing about such a scenario is that you might not know if your website has received a penalty from Google. Therefore, you need to be extra careful when handing over your website’s search engine optimization to any company.

Choosing Keywords With the Wrong Intent

Your chosen company will be responsible for picking specific keywords that will form the basis of your whole campaign. One of the overlooked factors of the keyword is “intent.”

The keyword with the incorrect intent may bring you more traffic and a higher ranking, but it will not convert into leads. It is because the users reaching your pages will have an intent different from what your business offers.

Consider this example: “You provide online English communication classes to learners online,” but your SEO agency chooses the “best English translation software.” keyword. Even if your web page tops the rankings for this particular keyword, it is unlikely to turn into conversions because the users are looking to buy software or a tool to translate and not looking for English classes.

Unhelpful Content Creation

Another aspect of your website and business that can suffer from picking an incompetent SEO firm or one that uses unethical practices that degrade the quality of the content on your website If it happens, it is not right.

You will not only waste money on an ineffective campaign, but visitors to your website will not consider you trustworthy and helpful if your content is below average.

Therefore,  it is critical to monitor your hired agency’s content creation activities. This consideration applies not only to on-page content for your site but also to external; content that you have chosen. 

Why is SEO Pricing not Cheap but Expensive?

The cost of quality search engine optimization can be expensive. The truth is that cheap SEO is just not possible. But why? It is because your campaign will require efforts from multiple types of professionals. A single person or a small group can’t carry out an entire drive or collection of tasks.

Although some exceptional professionals may have extraordinary skills in creating and executing SEO tasks, such talented individuals are rare and in short supply.

The information about the following list of professionals indispensable for a successful campaign will clear any doubt regarding inexpensive SEO.

SEO executives(Junior/ Senior ones)

Web designers/developers.


Digital marketing managers

Graphic/UX designers

Content writers and more

With the efforts of the professionals mentioned above,  it is easier to create a winning campaign to put your website at the top of the search engine result pages.

Because of this, you should never trust an optimization agency that claims to place your website on the top of the first SERP of Google quickly and with low-cost SEO.

As I mentioned earlier, the biggest fear for you when you select an inexpensive company is that the chosen company may employ black hat techniques such as keyword stuffing, creating doorway pages, or unethical backlinking.

High SEO Cost is Justified Because of ROI it Generates

The high pricing for your campaign shouldn’t startle you. It is because if your hired company delivers according to the set goals, the return on investment is likely to be huge.

The ROI will make the cost of your SEO campaign appear insignificant. And the best part is that if the search engine optimization works as intended, your website will continuously produce quality leads for you, even if you pause the campaign in between.

Additionally, since there is no need to pay anything for traffic and leads generated through search engine optimization on Google, you will be able to cut costs on marketing and paid ads offline and online.

List of Tasks That companies Perform for Standard SEO Packages

The following activities are standard among most agencies offering search engine optimization services

Keywords research (50-100 keywords for small to midsize websites and 400 plus for enterprise-level SEO)

Local SEO / National focused campaign.

Technical optimization (web vitals improvement such as speed and TAGS)

Title and Meta description creation

On-site/ Off-site tasks

Content creation and publishing

Link building

Site optimization (includes coding and other optimization activities)

Regular interval reporting

Key Takeaway

There is no question that SEO pricing is one of the major factors when you choose an expert company. Hiring an experienced search engine optimization company is never cheap, and factors such as the involvement of several professionals who must be paid appropriately and the high ROI on SEO are major reasons for this.

However, companies can save on SEO costs by choosing an expert company from offshore like ours without compromising on the quality and effectiveness of their campaign. Our  SEO India team representatives are only a message or phone call away to discuss everything you want to know about search engine optimization and SEO package pricing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Why is SEO justified, even with a high cost?

It is because the return on investment through search engine optimization is high. You can decrease your company’s dependence on paid ads, provided your website enjoys a successful campaign for search engine optimization.

Q2 : Which Form of SEO Package is Generally Low-Cost?

Among all types of packages in search engine optimization, the “local SEO packages “are generally the lowest-priced ones.

Q3 : Which Type of SEO Plan is the Most Expensive One?

As mentioned before, local search-focused packages are the cheapest ones; however, on the other hand, enterprise SEO [packages are the most expensive ones. (Generally, 5000 to   thousands of dollars )

Q4: How Much Does An Offshore Company Charge for Search Engine Optimization?

An offshore SEO company will be a more economical option than hiring an agency in the United States of America or anywhere in Europe. You will find packages from as low as $300 to $1500 for small to midsize companies and up to 3k to 5 k for enterprise-level SEO. Please note that the mentioned statistics are standard figures, and exceptions exist.

Q5 : Could You Tell Me About the Ingredients of the Standard SEO Package”

The standard package includes the following:”

Keyword research


Web vital optimization

content creation

Competitors analysis

GMP(Google My Page) optimization (Only in local SEO)


Q6 : Can You Tell Me How Much You Charge for Your Offshore SEO Solutions and Services?

Our pricing varies from client to client, but it is undoubtedly lower than hiring an SEO company in the USA, Europe, Australia, etc. We encourage you to reach out to us with your specific requirements; we will get back to you to discuss everything you want to know.

Q7 : Are Inexpensive SEO Agencies Reliable?

Given how much labor, skill, and effort from professionals go into planning and implementing search engine optimization, it is apt to say that cheap SEO is not trustworthy. You should always do your research before choosing a particular company for your SEO campaign.

Navneet Singh

Navneet Singh
Founder & CEO

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